Batteries can play an increasingly important role in energy distribution and storage, particularly in distributed generation systems. However, the emerging market is full of hurdles as well as opportunities. It’s a complex subject that should be examined by everyone with an interest in climate change mitigation and renewable energy. You can read an extensive article Read More
Tag Archives: distributed generation
Energy Systems Writ Large
If we want to talk seriously about mitigating climate change, there are going to be a lot of oxen gored. The energy producers, of course, will be up in arms. The utilities, too. Everyone of them wants to do it their way, which doesn’t benefit from distributed generation. That we would expect. Some related industries Read More
Electrical Grid Cyber-Vulnerability
Centralized generation and distribution of energy resources is a highly vulnerable way to support the nation’s need for power. Here’s why
Utilities Sabotaging Distributed Generation
We have been speaking about this issue for some time. Utilities are becoming increasingly hostile to distributed generation and are using their clout to try forcing out the small providers of solar power. Indiana is one of several states where legislatures are being lobbied to ensure centralized energy distribution is the only kind they accept. Read More
Climate Change in Dollars and Sense
The cost of climate change on one critical sector of our economy — the electrical grid — lends additional credence to the value of distributed generation. Read the full article.
Distributed Generation Roiling Industry
Distributed generation of renewable energy is a no-brainer pathway to mitigating climate change. Nevertheless, it faces a host of challenges from the utilities and others who favor centralized distribution. Thanks to advancing technology, this may be one of those rare cases where good sense prevails over big money. Slowly but surely. Read about it here
Energy Industry Jobs
“The American solar workforce grew at a historic pace in 2016, a year when one out of every fifty new U.S. jobs was in the solar industry, according to the new National Solar Jobs Census 2016, the seventh annual report on solar employment issued by The Solar Foundation. The National Solar Jobs Census 2016 found that solar industry Read More