Intelligence is the third in Arena Stage’s Power Plays initiative—a ten-year plan to commission twenty-five plays, one for each decade of American history, about power and politics. Deputy Artistic Director Seema Sueko told me that the initiative was the result of Artistic Director Molly Smith “having her ears, eyes, and heart open to the heartbeat of Read More
Tag Archives: Trump
Red Governors and Blue Governors are Green Governors
A group of the nation’s governors from both major political parties sent a clear message to the Trump Administration about the value of renewable energy — not only as a means of mitigating climate change but also as a profound economic driver in rural America. Listen up, policy makers, and read about it here
Arts in the Time of Trump
Whither the arts under our current Administration? Harvey Young in HowlRound argues that the outlook may not be as bad as we might fear, and concludes with this statement: “In this Age of Trump, my hope is that we collectively can lobby for continued (and, perhaps, increased) arts funding, advocate for the creation of socially Read More
Understanding Trump, Understanding Ourselves
Probably no other president in American history is so confounding, so potentially dangerous, and yet so valuable a lesson in getting to know ourselves. A fascinating analysis by James S. Gordon here
Energy Industry Stumped by Trump
The energy industry shares the uncertainty our new Administration has brought to our lives and livelihoods, as policy is yet to be formulated and campaign sloganeering gets sorted out. Read more here
EPA Objects to Secretary Pruitt
Former and current employees of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency expressed opposition to President Donald Trump’s pick to run the agency on Monday – in an open letter and a small street protest – reflecting divisions over the new administration’s plans to slash regulation. Over 400 former EPA staff members sent a letter to the Read More
Small Wall or Big Wall?
Very disappointing that our newly elected president is thinking small. A wall between the U.S. and Mexico should be only the beginning. With a little courage and a couple of $hundred billion more, we could build a wall around our entire country! credit: here Think of it! We can keep out the Asians, the Canadians, Read More